
Rosedale Rezoning Update

Planning continues for the new Rosedale School, which will be built at the former Lucy Read Pre-K and temporary Doss Elementary School site located at 2608 Richcreek Rd, Austin, TX 78757. The new school will be a state-of-the-art facility designed to meet the new Austin ISD Educational Specifications and purposefully built to serve the district’s most medically-fragile students.

As part of the planning process, AISD has submitted a rezoning application to the City of Austin, which would allow the new Rosedale School to house a medical clinic capable of serving Austin’s most medically fragile children. The district is currently in discussions with a medical provider to partner on this exciting and important feature of the school.

Community Meeting Recap

The district held a community meeting on April 8, 2019 to provide more information to neighbors and answer their questions. You can see a copy of the slides presented at that meeting here.

The current zoning is SF-2, Single-Family Residence Standard Lot and the district is requesting that the new zoning be GR-CO, Community Commercial-Conditional Overlay. The district is proposing to remove most of the uses from the GR zoning district so that it can only be used for the following:

  • Commercial Uses
    • Medical Offices – exceeding 5,000 sq. ft. gross area
    • Medical Offices – not exceeding 5,000 sq. ft. gross floor area
  • Civic Uses
    • Hospital Services (limited)
    • Public Primary Educational Facilities
    • Public Secondary Educational Facilities

You can see a full list of the uses that the district is proposing be removed here.

Frequently Asked Questions

At the community meeting, there were also questions about the layout and design of the new school and potential clinic.

AISD is currently in the process of procuring a Design-Build team via public solicitation and anticipates the AISD Board of Trustees will approve a team by the end of June. This will allow design to start shortly after.

During each phase of design a public meeting will be held to provide updates to the community. Construction is anticipated to start in Spring 2020 and the new campus is expected to open in Fall 2021.

Here are a few other questions we’ve heard along with the answers:

What are the proposed hours of the school? What about the clinic?
Current hours for the Rosedale School are 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The proposed hours for the clinic are 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

How many staff members are expected to be on the campus, and how does that compare to a typical campus? 
Rosedale operates a little differently than most campuses and includes a lot more part-time staff than other schools. You can expect around 50 Rosedale staff members to be on site at a time.

Under current plans for the clinic there would be another approximately 50 staff members. As a point of comparison, Doss Elementary School currently has over 80 staff at the Lucy Read site.

How does the amount of bus trips at this campus compare to a normal campus?
There are more buses at Rosedale than at other schools because all of the students arrive by bus. We are planning for 25 buses, as compared to 7 that are currently used at the Doss swing space. These buses will queue on the site.

Because the students all arrive by bus, there is not the usual queuing of cars that happens at other schools. Currently buses arrive from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and again from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. At the new campus, the staff are looking to reduce this duration.

Will the clinic have its own parking lot, or will it use the schools?
The clinic will require parking in addition to the parking required for the school. The lots may be combined or separate and there may be some opportunities for shared parking but that will need to be further studied.

Will the clinic only serve the 4-19 age range, or will there be other patients?
The current medical provider under consideration only serves pediatric patients and is a specialty clinic for children with complex needs, just like Rosedale students.

Get Involved

Feedback is always encouraged by reaching out to the 2017 bond team at (512) 414-9595 or Thank you for your patience and support as we work to create 21st-century learning spaces for all students and continue to reinvent the urban school experience!